Entrepreneurship and family business in Spain: Analysis of its main characteristics and profile of family entrepreneurs
Family businesses play a key role in the economy, accounting for around 89% of the business fabric of our country, with a contribution to GDP of 57.1% and the creation of 67% of private employment. Entrepreneurial activity plays a crucial role after the COVID-19 pandemic as it is one of the main indicators of economic recovery in periods of recession. With data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) for 2021, the main socio-demographic characteristics of family business entrepreneurs have been analyzed, considering their main differences with respect to the rest of businesses that do not have this nature. The results show that 86.37% of those surveyed stated that their family had participated in the start-up of the business under the figure of co-owner and/or co-administrator, the most common form of participation being that of co-management and family co-ownership. The predominant form was self-employment and the gender with the highest levels of family entrepreneurship was female. These results are particularly relevant, given that families play an important role in the creation of businesses and stable employment. Likewise, knowing the profile of the family entrepreneur can facilitate the design of incentives for entrepreneurship.
Received: 28 April 2023
Accepted: 23 June 2023
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