Sustainable territorial competitiveness within a post-growth paradigm

Keywords: Competitiveness, Growth, Sustainability, Post-Growth


This article addresses the imperative need to rethink the notion of competitiveness within the framework of territorial sustainability, highlighting the insufficiency of the current socio-economic model focused on growth to face contemporary socio-environmental challenges. It proposes an approach towards a post-growth model, where territorial competitiveness is redefined under the principles of social welfare, equity, and environmental sustainability, moving away from the traditional focus on economic growth. The main contribution lies in suggesting practical strategies for the transition towards sustainable territorial development, focused on promoting local circular economies, participatory governance, and the adoption of alternative indicators that prioritize well-being and sustainability over economic growth. This study is aimed at policy makers, researchers and academics interested in sustainable economics, as well as international organizations and NGOs, proposing a dialogue between economic theory and policy practice to foster more inclusive and sustainable economic development.

Author Biography

Jon Olaizola Alberdi, Universidad de Mondragón

Young student with a passion for economics and its transformative role in society. My background includes studies in Business Administration and Management, as well as in Law. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD programme in Advanced Management of Organisations and Social Economy, at Mondragon University, Spain, with the aim of broadening and deepening my knowledge in these areas. My goal is to bring innovative and sustainable solutions to contemporary economic and social challenges. My aspiration is to effect transformative change on a global scale through the lens of the social economy. This motivates me to pursue a career as a researcher and academic. I am confident that through rigorous research and academic engagement, I can make a significant contribution to the development of strategies that promote a fairer and more equitable economy.


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How to Cite
Olaizola Alberdi, Jon. 2025. “Sustainable Territorial Competitiveness within a Post-Growth Paradigm”. Bulletin of Economic Studies 79 (235), 67-85.