BRTA: a new boost for the coordination of basque scientific and technological capabilities to enhance their impact on the industrial and social fabric
The organisation and construction of critical mass in the scientific-technological field is one of the main levers for strengthening industry and the economy and, consequently, increasing the degree of innovation and regional competitiveness. This article presents a description of the evolution of the Basque Country’s technological ecosystem from the 1980s to the present day, which is characterised by the fact that it has been adapting to the needs of the economic fabric and the changes in both the local and international contexts. It also describes the brief trajectory of the Basque scientific-technological consortium, BRTA, which in its first five years of existence has already shown some results of the deployment of its mission, which is to promote collaboration between Basque scientific-technological institutions to meet the industrial challenges, mainly in the Basque Country, and to be able to compete and cooperate with international R&D benchmarks.
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