Building sustainable competitiveness futures through transformative research

  • María José Aranguren Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness
  • Patricia Canto Farachala Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness
  • James Wilson Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness

Author Biographies

María José Aranguren, Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness

Guess Editors.
Is director general at Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness, and Professor in Economics at University of Deusto, Spain. She has worked at Orkestra since its foundation in 2006. Mari Jose is a recognised expert in the field of competitiveness and territorial strategy, cluster and networks, the analysis and evaluation of policies and the transformative role of university, having published many books and articles in specialised national and international journals of impact.

Patricia Canto Farachala, Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness

Guess Editors.
Is a researcher at Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Spain, and executive editor of the International Journal of Action Research. Her research and publications have focused on the role of universities in territorial development processes; namely, how knowledge is produced, communicated and evaluated in research processes involving other territorial actors and how it is transferred to other contexts.

James Wilson, Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness

Guess Editors.
Is research director at Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Spain, and lectures at Deusto Business School, University of Deusto, Spain. His research interests are in policy-relevant analysis of territorial competitiveness and socio-economic development processes, where he has published widely on issues such as territorial strategy-making, governance, clusters, innovation and cluster policy, policy evaluation, and the roles that universities play in territorial development.

How to Cite
Aranguren, María José, Patricia Canto Farachala, and James Wilson. 2025. “Building Sustainable Competitiveness Futures through Transformative Research”. Bulletin of Economic Studies 79 (235), 17-28.