Conscious companies: a productivity model within a humanistic purpose

  • Pablo Álamo Hernández CETYS University, Mexico
Keywords: conscious companies, productivity, corporate social responsibility, sustainability


This work proposes an approach to the so-called conscious companies, that is, organizations that carry out their business purpose based on their values, choose actions consistent with them and act with a sense of unconditional responsibility, in order to show how it is possible to have a high productivity being a conscious company. The methodology used is qualitative and has a humanistic and practical approach as it analyses the experience of an expert consultancy in advising companies on their productivity challenges. The application of the proposed model to more than 400 clients in Latin America is presented. The main conclusion is that a productivity model suitable for conscious companies must combine sustainable economic growth and comprehensive human development, placing freedom, empowerment and employees’ self-management at the center of its growth strategy.

Received: 1 November 2021
Accepted14 February 2022

Author Biography

Pablo Álamo Hernández, CETYS University, Mexico

Ph. D. y Máster en Economía y Empresa por la Universidad de Comillas (Madrid, España)


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How to Cite
Álamo Hernández, Pablo. 2022. “Conscious Companies: A Productivity Model Within a Humanistic Purpose”. Bulletin of Economic Studies 76 (232), 125-41.