Sustainability: clarifications for this “decade of action”

  • Adrian Pablo Zicari ESSEC Business School, France
Keywords: sustainability, action decade, corporate social responsibility, stakeholders


In recent times there has been a gradual shift, a greater acceptance, towards sustainability, both in academic and business circles. However, at the same time, a certain confusion can also be perceived, in the face of the multiplication of initiatives, standards and acronyms. In addition, several debates are overlapping, advocating different environmental and social considerations, sometimes in opposition to each other. The purpose of this note is therefore to provide some clarifications that will help readers to better understand this “decade of action”, as the united nations has called it. I propose seven questions, which i will analyse in turn. These questions are not exhaustive; there will certainly be other relevant issues. But they are certainly central issues, which we can assume will continue to be crucial in the years to come.

Received: 18 November 2021
Accepted: 7 February 2022

Author Biography

Adrian Pablo Zicari, ESSEC Business School, France

Professor in the Department of Accounting and Management Control at ESSEC Business School, Paris


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How to Cite
Zicari, Adrian Pablo. 2022. “Sustainability: Clarifications for This ‘decade of action’”. Bulletin of Economic Studies 76 (232), 27-36.