Entrepreneurship and Family Business: Two Siblings or Different Disciplines?
Is entrepreneurship and family business two sibling or distinct disciplines? Both are disciplines with their own entity, but from the beginning, they have been strongly connected. In fact, family businesses have been considered a central element of the entrepreneurial process where family influence is particularly relevant in the early stages of business creation. However, the initial stage of these companies has been little explored. This article has a double objective. First, it provides a brief historical perspective on the evolution of the two academic disciplines and their interrelationships, and second, it seeks to summarize the main conclusions of the scarce literature on the perspective of family embeddedness that studies the family-entrepreneurship binomial. Finally, the paper proposes different lines of research for future studies related to family business and entrepreneurship.
Received: 26 April 2023
Accepted: 5 October 2023
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