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Archive of Published Issues: 2024

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Journal URL https://bee.revistas.deusto.es/
Title Bulletin of Economic Studies
Publisher Deusto Business Alumni
Description The BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC STUDIES (BEE) is a peer-reviewed, Open-Access journal that publishes original manuscripts primarily aimed at disseminating knowledge and promoting the transfer of research outputs from the fields of economics and business management. The BEE publishes papers in both Spanish and English. It invites submissions that address matters relevant to practitioners that aim to be at the cutting edge of many areas of economics and management science
ISSN 2951-6722
Language(s) English (en_US)
Español (es_ES)
Publisher Email beejournal@deusto.es

Works published in this journal are available since 2021 under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license - CC BY-NC 4.0. Content prior to 2021 is not covered by the journal's current Open Access policy.

Authors' Rights:
Authors retain copyright over their work published in the Bulletin of Economic Studies and grant the Bulletin of Economic Studies non-exclusive rights to exploit the work for layout, publication, and dissemination purposes. This license allows the Bulletin of Economic Studies to distribute, reproduce, and disseminate the work on its platform and through other media, subject to the conditions outlined in this notice.

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Readers may read, download, print, search, share (copy, redistribute, or link to full text), or adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) the content, provided that:

  • The materials are not used for commercial purposes.

  • The original work is properly cited, including the name of the author and the source.

  • Any modifications made to the original content are clearly indicated.

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Conditions of Use:
The use of content must not infringe the rights of others or be used in a way that could damage the reputation of the author or the Bulletin of Economic Studies.

Responsibility for Content:
Authors are responsible for the content of their papers and the Bulletin of Economic Studies is not responsible for the opinions therein expressed.

More Information:
Open Access, Licensing, and Copyright Policy

Rights Esta revista proporciona un acceso abierto inmediato a su contenido, basado en el principio de ofrecer al público un acceso libre a las investigaciones ayuda a un mayor intercambio global de conocimiento.

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